A Word About Life and Things



Good Gifts

      Gifts were common in Bible times, so much so that in Hebrew there were 15 distinct words for it. Minchah, from an inferior to a superior. Maseeth, from a superior to an inferior. It could be complimentary or a bribe. Many were not voluntary but a compulsory exaction: as in tribute. To a prophet, it was a consulting fee. A gift was a thing given. To refuse a gift was an insult.

      We give gifts for birthdays and Christmas and other special occasions. We try our best to give good gifts to those we love. Our Heavenly Father loves to give us good gifts also. All good gifts come from our God. The enemy cannot give any good gifts. Any gifts given by him have strings attached. His nature is that of a thief and liar. Nothing good can come from him. When our Heavenly Father gives a gift it is always good. God wants to bless us in everything we do.

      There was a famous golfer that was invited to play golf with the King of Saudi Arabia. He was flown over on the King’s plane. After several days of playing golf with the King, he was asked what he wanted as a gift. He said that he collected golf clubs and that a nice putter would be good. After some time he was wondering what type of golf club the King would send him. One day he received in the mail the deed to an 18-hole Golf Club. Kings think differently from the way we do. Kings do not think about a putter golf club they think about a GOLF CLUB. 

      The same goes for our Heavenly Father. We ask for little gifts; when He wants to give us Big Gifts. He said to ask of Him and He would give us the Nations. It is alright to ask for the little things in life, but we should be bold and ask God for bigger things. God’s heart is for people to come to Him. He does not want to see anyone perish. We should expand our thinking to include the people of all nations. We can go farther than we think we can. All we have to do is just, ask.


      New King James Version
Psalms 2:8 Ask of Me, and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession.     

New King James Version
Proverbs 10:22 ¶ The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, And He adds no sorrow with it.